

If you’ve spent any time at all looking at wedding imagery trying to find the vibe that most appeals to you, you’ve most likely come across these stylistic editing terms… Bright and Airy… Dark & Moody… Bright & Moody…? And while you may understand the differences somewhat, there’s a lot that goes into the aesthetics […]

Our Style & Point of View

April 30, 2020


Georgia Army National Guard member rescues family from serious car accident, and after a miraculous turn of events, he and his bride receive the dream wedding of a lifetime!

Army National Guard Member Saves Family & Receives Dream Wedding!

February 19, 2020


You may be looking around at photographers and really getting confused about pricing… Some are charging “session fees” plus “image fees,” while others are charging a flat rate for everything. Well, here’s a little monologue from yours truly to help sort through what it all means.

IPS vs. Shoot & Share?? What Does It All Mean?!

June 4, 2019

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