
August 29, 2021

Top 10 Television Weddings of All Time

Fall. Cooler weather. Leaves changing. Pumpkin spice. The return of network television… Emmy season. To celebrate new seasons of our favorite shows returning to our screens, we thought it might be fun to talk about some of the best t.v. weddings of all time.


It’s almost impossible to put these in any order from best to worst. So, enjoy our randomized list of the top 10 televised weddings of all time (plus one bonus).


Boy Meets World – Topanga & Cory

Was there any greater moment in millennial television history? This was the moment we’d all waited for since the early 90’s (since Topanga drew a heart on her face in lipstick). And it was nice to see in Girl Meets World that one of our favorite 90’s couples was still going strong.

The Office – Pam & Jim

Is it really a top 10 list if it doesn’t include The Office? And this show gave us not one, but two weddings for Pam & Jim. Whether you think the elopement or the planned ceremony took the cake, either way, these television weddings deserve to be recognized. BRB… we’re still crying from the proposal.

Beverly Hills 90210 – Donna & David

This show made us wait until the very last episode of the series to see Donna & David finally tie the knot. But… it was worth it. And, not to be missed, this wedding is a great throwback to quintessential 90’s fashion.

Grey’s Anatomy – Izzie & Alex

If you’re a fan of Grey’s Anatomy you know that Shonda Rhimes loves a good wedding. While we’ve seen many on the show over the years, perhaps one of the most romantic was when Alex secretly planned his wedding to Izzie who was fighting cancer. Because of this grand disply of love, we were also gifted the (arguably to some) even more romantic post-it-note wedding of Meredith and Derek.

Princess Margaret

The first televised royal wedding was Queen Elizabeth’s sister, Princess Margaret’s wedding to Lord Snowden. While the marriage itself didn’t last, the wedding paved the way for the perhaps more famous royal weddings of the 20 and 21st centuries.

Full House – Becky & Jesse

I mean, I shouldn’t even need to say anything about this three-episode wedding. If this moment in television history didn’t make you fall in love with John Stamos as he sang Forever, you may be dead inside.

Game of Thrones – The Red Wedding

Perhaps the bloodiest wedding on our list, this wedding got its title from the massacre that took place on the same day. And this matrimony turned battle brought in over 6 million viewers.

Friends – Phoebe & Mike

Like many other ensemble cast sitcoms, Friends gifted us with several [iconic] weddings. From the very first episode we saw Rachel in her wedding dress, and it set a tone. But perhaps the most famous wedding from this show was when Phoebe & Mike got married in the streets of New York. New York City was like another cast member on the show and this wedding, more than any other, truly celebrated it.


A Different World – Whitley & Dwayne

Honestly, I loved A Different World more than its predecessor The Cosby Show. And I was shipping Whitley & Dwayne long before I knew what shipping meant. When Dwayne interrupted Whitley’s wedding to Byron and managed to finally convince her to marry him instead, I may have jumped up and down.

General Hospital – Luke & Laura

This 1981 wedding landed the highest ratings in the history of daytime television. But it wasn’t all roses and daisies for this soap opera couple on their wedding day. In true soap fashion, this wedding episode included a little scandal.

Bonus: The Bachelorette – Trista & Ryan

Honestly, I feel silly even adding this to the list (that’s why it’s the bonus). But, since Trista was the first Bachelorette to marry her ring winner, and since this wedding started a reality television empire, it had to be included. Also, not to be laughed at was the 26 million viewers this wedding pulled in.

If you want to make sure you capture the memories of your own wedding on film, we’re here to help.

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